WWE is doing a phenomenal job ruining the feud between CM Punk and Triple H.
It is a slap in the face to fans how terrible this storyline has progressed and unraveled. It’s as clear as day WWE couldn’t wait to pull the trigger on Triple H versus Punk ever since Comic-Con after Money in the Bank.
They dropped Punk from his captivating storyline with John Cena to pursue this horrible excuse of an enjoyable feud. The dream match we wanted between HHH and Punk is happening at Night of Champions without the proper build. WWE is wasting this epic WrestleMania-caliber match on a throw away Pay-Per-View to combat the NFL.
Give me a break, WWE. Couldn’t you at least give this match more time? You’re throwing it out there for no reason whatsoever. I’m not even looking forward to this match any more because it’s been rushed and is lacking any quality substance. We’re going to see the match and not have a single answer as to why it’s even taking place.
I was able to accept the potential Kevin Nash versus Punk match at Night of Champions because at least it made sense within the confines of the WWE Universe. We don’t know for sure why Nash got involved, but he did. It’s as if WWE views Nash as the bigger threat to Punk when it should clearly be Triple H.
I'm sorry, I thought Triple H was calling the shots around here. Since when did Nash take over? Triple H shouldn’t be protecting Nash from Punk. Instead, it should be Nash attempting to do Triple H’s dirty work for him. We’re less than two months into Triple H’s new role and he’s already back in the squared circle? That should have been the last resort, not the first!
Nash versus Punk would surely be a terrible match considering Nash’s condition and that he was never a high-quality big man to begin with, but at least it would have progressed the storyline. WWE is skipping a key component in the storyline. They’re going from Point A to Point C and just skipping Point B altogether. Nash said it himself, he's signed to a contract. Why is he being pulled from an encounter with Punk for Triple H?
We might get some more answers between now and Night of Champions, but how many people even care now? The match is already booked, so whatever the reasoning behind it is irrelevant at this point. WWE jumped the gun much too soon.
Triple H versus Punk would have been a fitting match for Hell in a Cell, but not Night of Champions. They could have wrestled their one-on-one match and then went into a Survivor Series style with a new-look Kliq against a newly formed faction standing behind Punk. That’s just one idea. There’s dozens of others we could toss out there that would have made far more sense than this sorry excuse for booking.
Where do we go from here?
At the drop of a dime, Triple H will be back in the ring at any given notice. That’s not how it should be, at least not now. We needed to see Triple H continue to take the back seat and high road to be a professional boss. That’s why Nash is here in the first place. Is Triple H just going to hop in the ring with every superstar that crosses his path?
Vince McMahon only did that when it was necessary. It’s not necessary yet with Triple H. I understand he’s different than Vince, but we can’t forget Triple H is new to the job. Is Triple H going to be the hit man for the WWE Board of Directors? Is he the enforcer that will be called upon to take out anybody that threatens the WWE Universe?
It seemed the whole point of Triple H taking over as COO was to get him away from the ring and take a back seat to the other superstars. Instead, it’s the complete opposite. He started off well, but it has been a steady decline.
The man we have to feel sorry for at this point is Punk. He was red-hot the entire summer in an exciting and enthralling feud with Cena that left us salivating for more each week. He’s now stuck in a jumbled mess of nonsense without any direction.
Congratulations, WWE, for ruining another potentially awesome feud in Triple H versus Punk by rushing it beyond imagination.
Source: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/828055-wwe-night-of-champions-too-early-for-triple-h-vs-cm-punk
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