The City of Detroit?s $500 fine comes with a disorderly conduct charge on the side. In other words, it?s a misdemeanor, and if you throw an octopus at Joe Louis Arena, the Detroit Police won?t look the other way just because you?re a Red Wings fan, nor will they look the other way if you, as the Detroit News?s Gregg Krupa suggested, show good taste in the timing of your octopus throw.
You will be charged with a misdemeanor, you?re going to be tried in court, and you will face possibly paying court costs, community service, and possibly even jail time if you tick off the judge who sentences you for a charge that?s hard to disprove. Just as importantly, you?re all but certain to be not only removed from the game you?re attending, but also booked (and possibly even have a mugshot taken) at the main police department branch on Beaubien Street.
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