
Summer Olympics Video: Watch Amazing Animated Promo for London Games

It's getting pretty hard to temper the excitement for the 2012 Summer Olympics, and the latest BBC promo for the London Games does little to help. 

In fact, I am now geeking out for the fortnight of competitive frivolity about to hit us square in the gut. An animated promo like this will do that to a sports nerd. 

Deadspin spotted this promo and actually has a longer version over at their site, as well as a report on why this is causing quite the controversy across the pond. 

They point to a Daily Mail report that points out this commercial, and one many claim is eerily similar made for Lloyd's

I took a gander and second Deadspin's Timothy Burke and his assessment that there isn't much of a controversy to be had. 

As for this promo, I love it. 

Some may decry the use of animation over real athletes, but that works so well for a promo for the actual games. 

Right now, the games are a blank slate with so many possibilities heading into the Opening Ceremony. Anything can happen, and great feats are bound to take place. 

I may be biased, because I have always looked forward to this brief moment presented every four years, but this commercial is dedicated to the Olympic enthusiasts in us all. 

Sure, we don't care about 90 percent of these sports the rest of the time. But in a few short weeks, it is all we will want to see, and this commercial gets that sentiment and runs with it. 

Follow me on Twitter for the latest in radical and bodacious. 

Source: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1246570-summer-olympics-video-watch-amazing-animated-promo-for-london-games

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